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Concrete Splash Pads Winnipeg

Winnipeg's Newest Splash Pad Opens Just in Time for Summer

Cool Off at the New Spray Pad in Winnipeg

Just in time for the hot summer months, a new spray pad has opened in Winnipeg. The facility is located at 252 River Ave. and is free of charge for all.

Other Noteworthy Splash Pads in Winnipeg

In addition to the new spray pad, there are several other noteworthy splash pads in Winnipeg. These include:

  • Fort Rouge Spray Pad - 252 River Ave.
  • Victoria Park Spray Pad - 300 Assiniboine Ave.
  • St. Vital Spray Pad - 60 Shamrock Blvd.

All of these spray pads are open daily from 9:30 am to 9:30 pm.

Stay Cool This Summer

Winnipeg's spray pads are a great way to cool off on a hot summer day. Be sure to check out the new spray pad at 252 River Ave. or one of the other great spray pads in the city.
